The Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding celebrated its graduation ceremony for 9-Month Program students on June 14, 2013 at the School. Graduates represented programs in Small Craft Construction, Large Craft Construction and Contemporary Wooden Boatbuilding.
Graduates receiving their diplomas were:
Carey Anderson – Small Craft
Gabriel Boylan – Large Craft
Patrick Carlisle – Large Craft
Troy Craig – Contemporary
Jack Dunton – Large Craft
Andrew Micks – Large Craft
Michael Murphy – Contemporary
Randy Roberts – Small Craft
Photo Gallery of the Graduation

Graduates of the Boat School go on to explore successful careers in traditional boat yards, yacht manufacturing, maritime history museums, educational institutions, wooden boat repair, restoration and replication, rocket industries, fine furniture making and even musical instrument building.
Employment statistics for graduates of the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding were high over a six year period averaging from 75% – 90% – including data from our students who enter the school expressly pursuing boat building as a hobby. We are proud of the career successes of our graduates and feel confident that this group will report back the same types of successes we have previously seen from the Boat School.

The Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding maintains a job referral service for graduates, including assistance with resumes, digital portfolios, interview preparation and job application processes. Graduates from the School know that their relationship with the School and with the network of graduates from across the globe will only deepen over time.
Congratulations, graduates, and best of luck with your future goals and endeavors! Contact the Boat School if we can help you in any way as you move forward on the next steps of your life.
