The 2013 Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival was a huge success last weekend, Sept. 6-8, 2013. Things started out a with a bit of a challenge as Mother Nature decided to grace us with pounding rain the night before the festival started. It was hard to sleep that night thinking that the festival might be buried under water, but the skies parted, the sun emerged and everything was sparkling clean over a very beautiful, sunny weekend.
The Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding launched Azulita at the Festival – a Contemporary Wood Composite Boatbuilding project with a cedar strip, cold-molded hull, teak decking, mahogany combing, and beautiful woodworking throughout. Our instructors provided presentations on a variety of topics and the stands were full with interested audience participants. The variety of wooden boats represented was staggering and fun to see! In fact it was a photographers dream to circulate among the boats and the people. We hope to see even more of you next year!
For photos go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/nwswb/sets/72157635441821731/.