The launch for the BBC’s Whitehalls was a great success on June 13, 2013. Three Whitehalls were launched – two large and one smaller. The two large Whitehalls were built in the boat shop of Instructor Ben Kahn with students:
Gina Bonneau
Noah Flegeall
Chris Brobst
Asa (TBD)
Shawn Huston
Patrick Carlisle
Sam Hunt
Mark Stuber

Instructor Jeff Hammond led construction on the smaller red Whitehall with students:
Paul Lyter
Zach Simonson-Bond
Masaki Tobahashi
Randy Roberts
Steve Stanton
Carey Anderson
Griffin Myers
Dan Bramberger
Jeremy Nugent

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) asked the Boat School to build three traditionally built Whitehalls as replicas of the boats used by John Wesley Powell and his group of explorers during their first-ever descent of the Colorado River in 1869. The BBC will film a reenactment of the voyage later in 2013. Good luck on the trip and we hope that these beautiful boats serve this project well!