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Betsy Davis is boat school’s new director


Betsy - Version From Seattle to Port Hadlock, Betsy Davis is leaving The Center for Wooden Boats to take the helm at the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding.

“We are excited and fortunate to have attracted such a talented and experienced leader as Betsy Davis,” said David Blessing, NWSWB board president. “Betsy brings extensive experience in business and organizational development, and is the ideal visionary to help lead the school strongly into the future.”

Davis served since 2003 as the executive director of The Center for Wooden Boats (CWB) in Seattle, where more than 150,000 visitors a year are invited to use traditional boats, participate in hands-on workshops and field trips, and build friendships and community. During Davis’s tenure, CWB saw the extensive growth of programs for youth and the public, the addition of two campuses, and the improved stewardship of its collection of historic boats. READ MORE