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Bradley Suedekum (Class of 2014) hired at Center for Wooden Boats in Seattle, Washington!

Bradley SuedekumBradley Suedekum was born in Delta, Colorado and from an early age showed that he was “bound to wander.” He finished high school in Ft. Collins, Co., eventually joining the US Army as a Cavalry Scout in 2005. During the next eight years he would find out what he was made of, but more importantly, what would help shape his ever changing landscape. He served in two deployments 2005-2006 and again in 2008-2009, both to Iraq. He was honorably discharged in February 2013, at which time he was faced with a big choice to make.

Bradley and his fiance, Courtney Stoffel, decided to pack up everything and move out to the Northwest. Not having anything lined up for the future was uncertain but full of hope and potential. Courtney found her Bradley Suedekum on the waterplace at the Downtown Seattle YMCA as the Assistant Director of Healthy Living. Meanwhile Bradley found his calling at the Northwest School of Wooden Boat Building. He attended the school for one year and earned an Associate of Occupational Studies degree in Traditional Small Craft and Restoration and Repair. “There is nothing more peaceful or beautiful than the construction of wooden boats.”

After graduation Bradley and his fiance moved to Seattle to start the next phase of their lives. Bradley first got a position at Jensen’s Motor Boat Company where he was welcomed with open arms. Having worked there for a month Bradley was again blessed with the opportunity to move over to the Center for Wooden Boats. “I am very excited about this and humbled by the opportunity that has been afforded me.” This is the perfect opportunity for me to really help bring focus and historical value to this amazing organization.”