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Save the Ajax Cafe, Grow the Boat School

Exciting news! The Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding has an opportunity to expand our campus while also supporting the re-opening of our neighborhood Cafe.

As you may know, the Ajax Cafe and the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding have been cornerstones of our community for over 36 years. The future of the Ajax Cafe has been at risk, but by working together the two organizations have developed a mutually beneficial plan that resolves septic issues and provides a long-term lease option for the Ajax while connecting the upper and lower parts of the Boat School into one contiguous campus. The Boat School has an accepted offer on the Ajax property and is raising funds to cover the cost of the purchase. We have raised over $155,000 of the required $375,000 in tax-deductible donations and we need your help today to reach the finish line.

This is the community dreaming – and all of us grabbing an oar.

You can help “Save the Ajax Cafe, Grow the Boat School” by making a tax-deductible donation to the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding to support the purchase of the property.

(On the donation page, please choose ‘Ajax Campaign’
in the drop down menu to specify this particular fund.)

For more information about “Save the Ajax Cafe, Grow the Boat School“:

Learn more about the details and budget for this project

Learn about the vision of the Ajax Cafe owners

See who else is supporting the project

Learn about the economic and community benefits of this project

To talk in person, share your ideas or set up an information session with a group of your friends,contact Betsy Davis, Boat School Executive Director at 206-390-0381 or [email protected].

You can also let your friends know about this by forwarding this email or sending them to