Halsey Herreshoff, Naval Architect of production and custom yachts, sailor and former president of the Herreshoff Marine Museum, gave a presentation to students at the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding on their second day of school, October 2, 2013. Mr. Herreshoff is part of a remarkable line of Naval Architects, most famous among them his grandfather Nathanael Greene Herreshoff.
“Halsey might be best known for his career as an America’s Cup sailor, having served on many cup defenders of the 12-metre class Era, first as bowman on Columbia in 1958 and concluding as navigator on Liberty in 1983. But perhaps his greatest contribution to sailing has been his development of the America’s Cup Hall of Fame at the Herreshoff Marine Museum.” – Wikipedia
The Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding is thrilled to have been honored with such a visit and looks forward to a continuing mentorship between Mr. Herreshoff and the School. Mr. Herreshoff’s friend, Herbert Weissblum, accompanied him and is shown with Mr. Herreshoff in the photo below with our students. Mr. Weissblum serves on the Board of the Northwest Maritime Center in Port Townsend.
Thank you Mr. Weissblum and Mr. Herreshoff for your input and for your interest in the next generation of boat builders and designers!