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Jim Tolpin presents woodworking design and history!

Jim TolpinPort Townsend author Jim Tolpin will present a program about his latest book, By Hand & Eye. Co-authored with George Walker, By Hand & Eye is a deep dive into the world of history, architecture and design.

October 23, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Jefferson County Library
620 Cedar Avenue
Port Hadlock-Irondale,WA 98339

Tolpin and Walker show how much of the world is governed by simple proportions, noting how ratios such as 1:2 or 3:5 were prevalent in the designs of pre-industrial artisans. By Hand & Eye demonstrates how the principles of good design are learned through exercise and repetition, and how with practice it becomes second nature and your hand and eye work together as one.

The book outlines quick techniques you can use in your workshop, such as how to compose aesthetically pleasing curves and tapers or develop molding profiles, using only a set of dividers, a straightedge, a pencil – and most important, your hands and eyes.

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