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Lance Lee presents at Northwest Maritime Center

Lance Lee- PosterThe Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding and the Northwest Maritime Center in Port Townsend, Washington present experiential educator and international boatbuilder Lance Lee. Mr. Lee will speak on “Joseph Conrad and the Tremolino” at 6:30 pm Sunday, August 17, 2014 at the Northwest Maritime Center’s Maritime Meeting Room (MMR). Mr. Lee is noted for his re-creations of historic watercraft, including a one-third-scale model of Joseph Conrad’s Tremolino.

Mr. Lee’s vision of building a copy of Joseph Conrad’s cargo carrier Tremolino, began 50 years ago. “The project, a marriage of wood and words, now built has been campaigned throughout east and west Penobscot Bay and embodies the experiential in craftsmanship and seamanship. In this project we can begin to explore the connections between craft, art and exploration.”

Mr. Lee, founder of The Apprenticeshop in Rockland, Maine has worked 50 years in the maritime world of experiential education, including apprenticing in craftsmanship and boat building rooted in the work of Kurt Hahn and Outward Bound. He has initiated international boat building and seamanship projects involving 12 countries, including the Atlantic Challenge International. He and his work have been published around the world since 1973. His most recent project is the Scholarshipwrights: Apprenticing Land and Sea, an institute formed in 2012 working to build apprentices and communities through traditional wooden boat building and seamanship. Mr. Lee believes “apprenticing by land and by sea nurtures citizens, strengthens communities and cultivates a culture of resourcefulness and a spirit of collaboration.”

Lance Lee feature article in Wooden Boat Magazine