Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding staff taught 70 Girl Scouts how to build boats at a July 23, 2013 summer camp in Sequim, Washington! They learned about the boat school from Executive Director Pete Leenhouts, careers related to boat school skills from Director of Education Pamela Roberts, and the parts of a boat (transom, thwart, planks, carvel and lapstrake) from Maintenance Manager Brian Standifer.
Girl Scouts introduces girls of every age to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) experiences relevant to everyday life. Whether they’re discovering how a car’s engine runs, how to manage finances, or exploring careers in STEM fields, girls are fast-forwarding into the future.

Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding graduates gain skills that allow them to work in boat yards, maritime museums, educational programs, architectural design, rocket construction, automotive design, wooden boat repair and restoration, yacht construction, wooden boat building, boat surveying, musical instrument building, fine furniture making. and building construction.
Congratulations, girls! You were an awesome group to teach!