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NWSWB instructor Jesse Long wins grant award!

jesse-longNorthwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding Instructor Jesse Long has been awarded a John Gardner grant from the Traditional Small Craft Association of America. Jesse received the grant to fund his research with renowned boat builder and educator Lance Lee at the Scholarshipwrights: Apprenticing Land and Sea in Rockland, Maine. John Gardner grants are awarded to projects that broaden traditional small craft heritage. Jesse will spend two weeks in the extensive archives housed at the Scholarshipwrights researching and documenting traditional small craft techniques from around the world. Jesse’s work will be published in Traditional Small Craft Association’s quarterly journal Ash Breeze.

Historian, labor organizer, boat builder, and curator at Mystic Seaport John Gardner was considered the “Dean of American small craft” and Jesse looks forward to the opportunity to honor Gardner’s legacy through his research at the Scholarshipwrights.