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Rebuilding FELICITY ANN: April 13-17, 2015 Blog Post by Tatyana Faleolo-Nolan

Tatyana Faleolo-Nolan

Weekly Blog Post April 13-17, 2015

By Tatyana Faleolo-Nolan

This week in the Hammond shop, the Felicity Ann crew has been working on a number of projects. At the start of this week we were all separated into different projects, Jo has been working on center line blocking, John is working on sheer blocking, and I have started the breast hooks forward and aft. I have made spiling patterns for both breast hooks and proceeded to cut them out of a piece of sapele (with some help from John). John joined me in working on the breast hooks and took over the one for the bow and I’ve been working on the one for the stern. Instead of cutting notches into these, (like we did with the deck beams) we reversed the concept and took material off of the clamp so the breast hook would sink into place. It took less than a day to plane down the clamp so the breast hook would sit flat.

Jesse and I found out that we needed a thicker piece of sapele so it matches up with the two deck beams in front of it. For now the breast hooks are being put on hold. I started to help John with the sheer blocking and together we managed to cut out every piece we needed for each place in between a spur beam. I got moved to a different project and now I’m working on the center line blocking on the aft deck beams. Before the week ended I managed to finish cutting out the carlin notches on each deck beam. John is moving along fast with placing the sheer blocking, and Jo is close to putting on her piece of Purple Heart on her center line blocking. To be continued…

-Tatyana Faleolo-Nolan

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