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Take a workshop at Port Hadlock’s boat school, then soak up the salty scenery

Originally published February 23, 2013 at 7:01 PM | Page modified June 21, 2013 at 1:17 PM

small craftseattletimeslogo_inside_pulitzerThe Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding is at the heart of this ‘education vacation,’ with good food, hiking and paddling nearby.

PORT HADLOCK, Jefferson County — If you’re one of those nautical types who mystify the medical community every time a blood test discovers saltwater in your veins, here’s an “education vacation” for you.

It includes soul-soothing vistas of gunmetal-blue waters; protected lagoons for kayaking among whole fleets of water birds; water-view hiking trails among blushing madronas and eagle-topped fir snags. And an opportunity to learn how to properly varnish your boat, or even build a new one.

Port Hadlock is home to the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding, one of the most respected academies of its kind, with about as salty a crowd of instructors and students as ever rollicked to a sea chantey.

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