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Traditional Large Craft – a slideshow

The Traditional Large Craft program at the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding will prepare you for employment in the field of wooden boatbuilding with an emphasis on large vessel construction. The knowledge and skill sets you’ll acquire in this program will enable you to join teams of boatwrights at an entry level, building vessels such as offshore cruisers, motoryachts, workboats and replica craft of many types.

Completion of the 12-month AOS degree program in Traditional Large Craft will prepare you for intermediate to advanced level employment opportunities. Those who enter the workforce specializing in Yacht Interiors joinery will find work in yacht manufacturing companies that have cabinet divisions and in related woodworking trades, such as furniture making, architectural woodworking and musical instrument making. Graduates specializing in Repair and Restoration will find intermediate to advanced employment in traditional boat shops, ship yards, educational institutions and maritime museums.